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Category: Symposium

Human Mobility and Human Rights in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Revisiting the 14 Principles of Protection for Migrants, Refugees, and Other Displaced Persons, Vol. 54

T. Alexander Aleinikoff, Joanne Csete, Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, Ian M. Kysel, Petra Molnar, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik, Monette Zard

Building upon the 14 Principles – which set out how international law should protect migrants, refugees, and other displaced persons during the COVID-19 pandemic and have been endorsed by more than 1,000 scholars worldwide – a group of international law scholars have collaborated to create a series of short essays looking at a set of pressing legal…

Oct 2021

Human Mobility and Human Rights in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Revisiting the 14 Principles of Protection for Migrants, Refugees, and Other Displaced Persons

T. Alexander Aleinikoff, Joanne Csete, Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, Ian M. Kysel, Petra Molnar, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik, Monette Zard

Building upon the 14 Principles – which set out how international law should protect migrants, refugees, and other displaced persons during the COVID-19 pandemic and have been endorsed by more than 1,000 scholars worldwide – a group of international law scholars have collaborated to create a series of short essays looking at a set of pressing legal…

Oct 2021

Introduction to Symposium

T. Alexander Aleinikoff, Ian M. Kysel, & Monette Zard

A little over one year ago, the scope and scale of the COVID-19 pandemic was becoming apparent, as first China, and then Italy and the United States grappled with the spread of the virus. We began to witness a number of trends in national responses that raised profound implications for all of us, but in particular…

Oct 2021

Online Symposium 2018 – Interpersonal Human Rights

Article by Hanoch Dagan & Avihay Dorfman
Commentaries by: Roxana Banu, Evan Fox-Decent, Mitchel Lasser, Ralf Michaels, Horatia Muir Watt

Oct 2018


Transnational Legal Feminisms – Challenges and Opportunities

by Cornell ILJ Symposium Team

Mar 2018

Online Symposium 2017 – Unconstitutional Constitutions Around the World

Article by Richard Albert
Commentaries by: Juliano Zaiden Benvindo, Francisca Pou Giménez, Joel Colon-Rios, Mariana Velasco Rivera, Dennis Baker, Sergio Verdugo, Silvia Suteu

Oct 2017