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Forum Submissions

In addition to its ordinary contributors, the Cornell International Law Journal Forum accepts submissions for publication from a variety of authors, including scholars, practitioners, and students of international law. For authors interested in submitting an article, we recommend that it be around 2000 to 2500 words and concern a recent development in international law, foreign law, or a domestic law with a substantial international component. In-text hyperlink citations are encouraged. Please submit all submissions and a copy of the author’s CV to Brianna Ramos at Please include your name, affiliation, and a short biography. Once you submit your piece, our editor will get back to you as soon as possible, if it’s substantially publishable. We look forward to hearing from you!

Print Submissions

The Cornell International Law Journal welcomes the submission of articles, essays, and book reviews relating to international, transnational, and comparative law from academics, practitioners, government officials, and judges. Manuscripts should be submitted with both text and footnotes typed and double-spaced. Footnotes should comply with The Blue Book – A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2015). 

The ILJ is currently accepting submissions for this cycle. We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Please transmit your submission to the Journal via Scholastica.


Expedited Review of a submitted article may be available for authors facing strict acceptance response deadlines imposed by other journals. To request an Expedited Review, please use Scholastica. Please provide the following information in your correspondence:

  1.    Author’s name
  2.    Contact information
  3.    Title of the article
  4.    Journals that have accepted the article
  5.    Acceptance response deadlines
  6.    Latest possible date that the author can be given a decision