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When International Disasters Affect Technology Transfer: Where is International Law?, Vol. 55

Federica Cristani

Natural disasters may have devastating impacts on human life, the economy, and environment of the affected states.  This article focuses on the economic consequences of natural disasters for affected states, particularly regarding technology transfers. In addition, this article examines the relevant regulatory framework of reference at the international level, with a mapping of technology transfer…

16 May 2022


De-recognition of States: The Case of Kosovo, Vol. 53

Tatjana Papić

The literature on the recognition of states, a foundational topic of public international law, is truly vast. But the literature on de-recognition, the withdrawal of recognition once given, is measured, not in books, but in paragraphs. This is the first Article to systematically explore the question of de-recognition. It does so by examining a peculiar—indeed,…

17 Apr 2022


“Charming Betsy” and the Constitution, Vol. 53 

Shelly Aviv Yeini & Ariel L. Bendor

One of the main disputes in regard to how courts should interpret the federal Constitution pertains to the legitimacy of relying on international law in constitutional interpretation. This Article examines the interpretative status of international law, in general, and the controversy over the use of international law in constitutional interpretation, in particular. The Article offers…

23 Mar 2022


The Diffusion of the Sandbox Approach to Disruptive Innovation and Its Limitations, Vol. 53

Chang-Hsien Tsai, Ching-Fu Lin & Han-Wei Liu

Faced with the challenges posed by disruptive technologies and innovations, many countries have adopted different regulatory approaches, institutional structures, and norms to maximize benefits and mitigate risks. Among such regulatory endeavors, the regulatory sandbox, first adopted by the United Kingdom in its financial sector, stands out as a prominent mechanism to strike a balance between…

26 Oct 2021

Society’s New Frontier – Cybersecurity, Privacy and Online Expression, Vol. 53

Len Kennedy

The following is a written adaptation of the opening speech for the 2019 Symposium. To the Journal’s editorial board, the presenters, commentators, audience, and most importantly, the sponsors, I hope you find inspiration in the Symposium’s presentations. The articles presented in this issue touch on important aspects of some very difficult problems— problems that grow…

22 Apr 2021


Corporations on Blockchain: Opportunities & Challenges, Vol. 53

Alexandra Andhov

Blockchain technology has the potential to change the way corporations are managed and how they function. A system that offers greater decentralization and ability for shareholders to more actively and accurately engage in decision-making processes will be fundamental for modern corporate governance. We observe that shareholders in recent years have become more active and interested…

12 Apr 2021

Defamation in International Law: The Legal Implications of Trump Calling COVID-19 “Chinese Virus”, Vol. 53

Geeta Moni & Raghav Srinivas

On March th 2020, President Donald Trump retweeted a tweet referring to the COVID-19 virus as “Chinese Virus.” This sparked a massive, worldwide response both for and against the term. It has led to the increased use of “#Chinesevirus“ on Twitter and sparked significant anti-China sentiments. It has not only affected US-China trade relations but…

22 Nov 2020


Water Wars and the U.N. Watercourses Convention: The Indo-Pak Story, Vol. 53

By: Suchita Uppal and Zaid Wahidi

1 Oct 2020

The Colombian Tale of Two Legal Revolutions, Vol. 53

Santiago Garcia-Jaramillo & Daniel Currea-Moncada

This Article focuses on a case study of Colombia’s judicial system by discussing the scope and competence of courts when facing legal revolutions. The term “revolution” is defined narrowly to mean the process of altering an existing constitutional system—either through constitutional amendments, or outside of such process—in order to achieve legal and social transformations. With…

1 Oct 2020