Tag: Shark Attack


Aussie Jaws and International Laws, Vol. 2

CC Image courtesy of Stephanie Watson Aussie Jaws and International Laws: The Australian Shark Cull and the Convention on Migratory Species by Arie Trouwborst*  I.              Introduction The debate concerning Western Australia’s controversial shark culling program is raging unabated.[1] In order to protect swimmers and surfers, a plan to hook and kill large sharks—particularly Tiger sharks…

Mar 2014


Sharknado in Western Australia, Vol. 2

CC Image Courtesy of lwpkommunikacio Sharknado in Western Australia by Alex Kerrigan* I.              Introduction While many countries currently have bans on shark fishing, the Western Australian government has other ideas. There have been seven reported shark attack deaths in Australian waters in the last three years alone; in comparison, there had been only thirteen deaths in…

Mar 2014