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Tag: security

Occupation and Its Discontents, Vol. 2

CC image courtesy of ISM Palestine Occupation and Its Discontents: The Pretext and Pretense of Security in Occupied Palestine by Jordan Calazan Manalastas* One of the petty-though-many indignities of life in occupation is the proclivity of storekeepers to close shop at signs of trouble. Upon my arrival into Palestine, just straggling the anniversary of Israel’s…

Jul 2014


India: Security & Maritime Criminal Jurisdiction, Vol. 1

Criminal Jurisdiction over Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean by Noah Black* I.  Introduction Tom Hank’s bearded mug may be the most recent reminder of piracy for most Americans, but Captain Phillips’s box office take is a secondary concern for U.S. maritime security company AdvanFort. On October 18, India arrested the crew of the security…

Nov 2013