Tag: prostitution
France: Sex Sells, But You Can't Buy It, Vol. 1
CC Image Courtesy of Tom Coates Sex Sells, But You Can’t Buy It: French Lawmakers to Penalize Prostitution Clients by Yujin Chun* Prostitution has been described as “the world’s oldest profession.”[1] And for as long as it has been around, the occupation has also seen an array of attitudes, both societal and legal. In France, prostitution…
Dec 2013
The Role of Trafficking and the Swedish Model, Vol. 1
(Modified CC Image Courtesy of Seth Anderson) Prostitution: The Role of Trafficking and the Swedish Model by Benjamin Conery* Police and prosecutors in Cook County, Illinois, recently began taking an approach to prostitution enforcement that is more familiar to international sex rings than suburban streets.[1] Authorities there are increasingly treating suspected prostitutes—including U.S. citizens—as victims…
Sep 2013