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Category: Uncategorized

Black Lives Matter is a Human Rights Issue

Gerald Lenoir

In 2015, Opal Ayo Tometi, one of the three Black women who co-founded Black Lives Matter (BLM), along with this author, co-authored an article on the Time magazine website titled, “Black Lives Matter is Not a Civil Rights Movement.” In that piece, we argued that the Black Lives Matter Movement has been described as the…

Sep 2023

Corporate Accountability, Extraterritoriality and Child Slavery: Lessons From Nestlé v. Doe

Phillip Alexander

Introduction ‘Human rights are inextricably linked to our shared future and a key element of the just transition to regenerative food systems. By respecting and advancing them in our value chain, we are building a foundation that contributes to a resilient future for our planet and its people.’[1] This is the first statement displayed on…

Jul 2023

Is a Two-Party System Possible in Turkey?: Two-Party System vs. Two-Political Alliance System

Batuhan Ustabulut

Introduction Why and how do two-party systems emerge? Why do some countries prefer to implement two-party systems? The answers to these questions come from the political history of the countries; politics build legal rules just as the latter build the former. This study examines the emergence of two-party systems in Turkey through this lens. Political…

Apr 2023

The Legal Significance of the US Recognition of the Atrocities on the Rohingya as Genocide

Dr. Md. Rizwanul Islam

On March 21, 2022, US Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken stated that the US concluded that the crimes perpetrated on the Rohingyas in the Rakhine Province of Myanmar amount to crimes against humanity and genocide. The US has also committed to resettle some (though no number was specified) Rohingya to its own territories. Arguably,…

Jan 2023

New Forum Article

Fu Kwong-or Ricky

Fake News in International Conflicts: A Humanitarian Crisis in the Post-Truth Era

Aug 2022

Prosecute or Protect? International Criminal Responsibility and the Recruitment of Isis Brides

Nathalie M. Greenfield

Isis brides played an integral role in the Isis regime. As such, some domestic courts have begun prosecuting girls, like Linda Wenzel, who travelled to Syria to join Isis. These prosecutions raise the questions: Did girls like Linda travel to Syria of their own volition? Are the girls perpetrators or victims of violence? And who…

Mar 2022

The COVID-19 Pandemic and International Law

Oona A. Hathaway, Preston J. Lim, Alasdair Phillips-Robins & Mark Stevens

How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect States’ obligations under international law?  This is a question of not just academic interest but real importance for people’s lives. After all, whether States abide by international law—and whether international law is fit for purpose—is vitally important for everyone from refugees exposed to the virus in unsanitary detention centers…

Mar 2022

The Right to Health, Vol. 54

Joanne Csete

Among the “14 Principles” for protection of migrants, refugees and displaced persons in the COVID-19 pandemic is that all persons have a right to health, which, in essence, means an equal right to basic health services. In more than a year of COVID-19 challenges, it has become clear that migrants, refugees and displaced persons are…

Oct 2021

Implementing Principle 2: The Legal Framework vs. the Reality, Vol. 54

Iain Byrne

The international legal framework mandates that everybody, including all people on the move, should enjoy their right to health without discrimination. However, the reality for refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants during the last 12 months of the pandemic has been very different. This is explored below through discussion of the lived experience of millions…

Oct 2021

COVID-19, Surveillance, and the Border Industrial Complex, Vol. 54

Petra Molnar

Technological experimentation at the border is being given free rein, knit together into what amounts to a tapestry of an increasingly powerful global border industrial complex. This experimentation legitimizes techno-solutionism at the expense of human rights and dignity and has only been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Powerful actors—often in the private sector—increasingly dictate what…

Oct 2021