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Economic Crimes Against Humanity, Vol. 53

Federico J. Wynter

23 Mar 2022

Whether economic sanctions can amount to crimes against humanity seems to be an issue of first impression in the ICC. It is, however, the next case in a line of disputes attempting to extend crimes against humanity into new territories and factual scenarios. This Note argues that economic sanctions applied in peacetime, such as the sanctions the United States imposed on Venezuela, do not amount to crimes against humanity. In doing so, this Note also comments on the merits of the Venezuelan referral and its broader policy implications. 

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Cornell Law School, J.D., 2021; Universidad ORT Uruguay, B.A., 2016. Senior Articles Editor, Cornell Law Review Volume 106. I am grateful to Professor Muna Ndulo and Professor Jens Ohlin for their insightful comments, and to the editors of the Cornell International Law Journal for their hard work in preparing this Note for publication.