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Tag: War in Syria


Vigilante Intervention in Syria, Vol. 1

CC Image Courtesy of Antony Antony Vigilante Intervention in Syria by Jordan Manalastas* Whenever the American military marches toward foreign soil, a popular slogan finds its way through bathroom stalls and bumper stickers; it says, roughly, “Bombing for peace is like [expletive] for virginity.” The simile is deceptively clever, not least because the soundest way…

Oct 2013


Redefining "Dumb Wars" Vol. 1

 (CC Image Courtesy of Nicolas Raymond) Redefining “Dumb” Wars by Michael C. Dorf* With President Obama’s proposal to bomb Syria in response to the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons on hold while the Administration pursues Syrian chemical disarmament through the offices of Russia and the United Nations,[1] the current moment provides an opportunity to…

Sep 2013